Partner organisations

International Association for Human Values

The International Association for Human Values (IAHV) is a volunteer based, charitable non-governmental organization dedicated to the development and promotion of human values in society.

IAHV works in five main program areas:

  • Ethics in business and corporate social responsibility
  • Value-based education
  • Rural development and socio-economic progress
  • Conflict management through dialogue between the cultures
  • Humanitarian relief and post-disaster rehabilitation/reconstruction

The initiatives of the IAHV and its sister organization, the International Art of Living Foundation, have benefited people from all walks of life in over 140 countries.

IAHV cooperates with a full range of agencies and stakeholders such as international bodies, NGOs, rural communities, governments and corporations to implement strategies for personal development and encourage the practice of human values in everyday life.

IAHV was founded in 1997 by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. It is registered as an association under Swiss law, with headquarters in Geneva. IAHV Switzerland is the umbrella organization for the 17 national and three regional IAHV organizations. It works through decentralized structures, with national organizations operating as separate legal entities registered as charitable organizations. The European headquarters is registered in Germany.

IAHV maintains special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, and actively participates in UN committees and activities related to social development, health and conflict resolution.

World Bank Institute

The World Bank Institute (WBI) is the World Bank Group’s principal provider of learning activities. It has delivered training courses and seminars since the 1950s, mostly for government officials in developing countries on such topics as macroeconomic policy, poverty reduction, health, education, and policy reform in other economic sectors.

During the past decade, WBI increased its activities on a broader range of subjects aligned with the World Bank’s regional and country development priorities. It also expanded its audiences to include non-state actors such as civil society organizations, the private sector, journalists, and parliamentarians.

Mission and Strategy

WBI’s mission is to be a global facilitator of capacity development for poverty reduction, helping leaders, institutions, and coalitions address their capacity constraints to achieving development results.

WBI’s strategy has been shaped by:

  • Strong demand for global knowledge and learning on key development topics and customized to local contexts
  • Rapid expansion of institutions worldwide that are capable of producing and disseminating knowledge
  • Important technological changes that open up new possibilities for delivering knowledge and learning products

The Earth Charter Initiative

The Earth Charter Initiative” is an extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions that participate in promoting and implementing the values and principles of the Earth Charter. The Initiative is a broad-based, voluntary, civil society effort. Participants include leading international institutions, national governments and their agencies, university associations, non-government organizations and community-based groups, city governments, faith groups, schools and businesses – as well as thousands of individuals.


The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is to promote the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life, ecological integrity, universal human rights, respect for diversity, economic justice, democracy, and a culture of peace.


We envision individuals, organizations, businesses, governments, and multilateral institutions throughout the world, including the United Nations General Assembly and UN agencies, acknowledging the Earth Charter, embracing its values and principles, and working collaboratively to build just, sustainable, and peaceful societies.


  • To raise awareness worldwide of the Earth Charter and to promote understanding of its inclusive ethical vision.
  • To seek recognition and endorsement of the Earth Charter by individuals, organizations, and the United Nations.
  • To promote the use of the Earth Charter as an ethical guide and the implementation of its principles by civil society, business, and government.
  • To encourage and support the educational use of the Earth Charter in schools, universities, religious communities, local communities, and many other settings.
  • To promote recognition and use of the Earth Charter as a soft law document.