Ethics in Sports Awards

David Walsh conferred with Ethics in Sports Award 2019

Announcement of Ethics in Sports Award Winner 2019

The multiple award-winning journalist, Chief Sports writer of the Sunday Times and author of L.A. Confidential was awarded during the Anti-Doping in Sports Conference on 4 June 2019 in Oslo for his persistent, value-driven and tireless media work dedicated to a clean and ethical sport Through his media work in the field of anti-doping, David Walsh has brought the importance of sportsmanship and clean competition in the forefront of the discussion, and his story and work keeps serving as a best practice learning for future generations.


David Howman conferred with Ethics in Sports Award 2018

Announcement of Ethics in Sports Award Winner 2018

The former WADA Director General and current Chair of the Athletics Integrity Unit was awarded by the World Forum for Ethics in Business for his longtime service to the sport and for his fight against doping and corruption in sports during the Anti-Doping Conference in Oslo on 25 June 2018 at the Grand Hotel in Oslo. The Anti-Doping in Sports conference was organized by the World Forum for Ethics in Business in partnership with Anti-Doping Norway and FairSport



Solar Impulse, the FC Basel leadership team and UN’s Peace and Sports Ambassador Wilfried Lemke 

Announcement of Ethics in Leadership & Sports Award Winners 2016

awards-carousel03In a moving ceremony, the audience applauded the winners in the category ‘Outstanding Organization’, Solar Impulse. Through their record-breaking solo flight of five days and fives nights without fuel from Nagoya to Hawaii and the long-term persistence to achieve this goal, Solar Impulse has at all times put their message and motivation for the bigger organizational goal at the forefront and impressively role-modeled the diverse values of sportsmanship.


Mr. Wilfried Lemke
, Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace was the recipient of the Ethics in Sports Award in the category ‘Outstanding Individual’ for his outstanding contributions in promoting the use of sports as a unifying tool for peace in the world and his initiatives to set-up projects in conflict zones that give hope and relief to the underprivileged and war-torn.



wsels_gallery18The 2016 Ethics in Sports Award in the category ‘Outstanding Teamwork’ went to the leadership team of the Swiss football club FC Basel for its value-based leadership style of the Management and Board of Administration of the FC Basel and its impact on the sustainable success of the Club.

Recognizing sustainable success
Announcement of Ethics in Sports Award Winners 2014

The 1st World Summit on Ethics in Sports saw the conferment of the Ethics in Sports Awards, honoring an outstanding individual, team and organization that have demonstrated the importance of human values and ethics in life and in the sports arena. Winners were selected by the Board of Directors of the WFEB following an open call for nominations.

Outstanding Individual
The 2014 Ethics in Sports Award in the category “Outstanding Individual” went to famous figure-skating icong Ms. Katarina Witt, for her outstanding contributions to provide disabled children with a better, happier life through medical care and customized programs that she drives with her charity work and through the Katarina Witt Foundation.


Outstanding Organization
The 2014 Ethics in Sports Award in the category “Outstanding Organization” went to the Cruyff Foundation.

The Cruyff Foundation has been a source of inspiration for children to overcome their limitations, exercise and rise to their full potential.

For over 15 years, their goal has been to give more children an opportunity to come together and play sports, boosting their health, facilitating their integration in society, improving their quality of life and instilling in them values that will last a life-time.

Special Award: Outstanding Teamwork
The 2014 Ethics in Sports Award in the category “Outstanding Teamwork” went to Team Tvillig, Peder and Steen Mondrup from Denmark.

Peder Mondrup is the first athlete with cerebral palsy to complete an Ironman Contest with his twin brother Steen – a living inspiration of mind governing matter.

Steen Mondrup is an example of physical endurance, sportsmanship and the joy of sharing. The Board of Directors of the WFEB recognized in particular their outstanding contributions to replace the ‘winning-at-all-cost mentality’ with the more important goal of working together and learning life lessons through sports.


The Ethics in Sports Award stems from the annual Ethics in Business Award conferred by the World Forum for Ethics in Business to honor individuals and companies that have demonstrated the importance of human values and ethics in life and in the business arena. The Award was instituted in 2006, and is presented annually at the International Leadership Symposium organized by the World Forum for Ethics in Business at the European Parliament in Brussels.

17 winners have received this award over the past years, previous winners include Volkswagen AG, Transparency International, HE Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development, Unilever, Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo, First Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, ING-Bank, TATA, Prof. Eigen, and Dr. Brigitte Mohn, Executive Board Member of the Bertelsmann Foundation.
In 2014, for the first time, the WFEB recognized outstanding sustainable contributions in the sports arena.
View all previous Ethics in Business Award winners here.