Advisory committee

Head of the Advisory Board

Prof. Ruud Lubbers

Former Prime Minister, the Netherlands

Ruud Lubbers was Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 1982 to 1994, leading three successive governments,  making him the longest-serving post-war premier.

During his terms, he was instrumental in building Europe into what it is today. He was also the key figure in  introducing the ‘Dutch Model’, which led to the successful turn-around of the Dutch economy. After that, he was the  9th United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, from 2001 until February 2005.

In July 2006, Prof. Lubbers acted as informateur of a new cabinet, after the second Balkenende cabinet handed over its resignation to the Dutch Queen. His last post was as head of the World Wide Fund for Nature.

A graduate of The Netherland’s School of Economics, Ruud Lubbers’ career began by managing the family business. He joined the Dutch Government in 1973 as Minister of Economic Affairs and continued as Senior Deputy Leader of the Christian Democratic Alliance.

After leaving politics, he taught university courses on globalization and sustainable development at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, and as a visiting professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in the United States. He was instrumental in contributing to the success of The Earth Charter – celebration of life and awe for nature.

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Advisory Board Members

Mr. Günter Conradt

CEO, CON-First GmbH, Switzerland

Conrad-Guenther-advisory-boardMr. Conrad is a top management strategy consultant working with his clients on transforming their enterprise to be relevant in the future.

He served in Andersen Consulting/Accenture for twenty-seven years until 2001 and then founded his own company to work with his clients in reviewing their strategic positioning and in charting their future course.

During the past twenty years he has been developing and implementing enterprise transformation plans with his

clients. His present research topic deals with effective leadership styles of entrepreneurs and executives in extraordinary tur- bulent times, moving from motivational to inspirational leadership to respond to the urgent call for aligning leaders’ actions with the universal rules of this world.

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Mr. Aadesh Goyal

Executive Vice President and Global Head of Human Resources; Chairman of the Board, Tata Communications Payment Solutions Ltd.; Director on the Board, Tata Communications Transformation Services Ltd., India

goyal-advisory-committeeAadesh is an industry veteran and a global business leader with experience in P&L Management, Human Resources, Engineering, Operations, Information Technology, Corporate Communication and Program Management. He has been involved in more than a dozen M&As as well as played a key role in the integration of these companies spread across multiple countries and performed roles spread over 5 continents.

He is considered as a thought leader in Strategic Human Resources, Leadership and Talent Development.

Aadesh is currently the Executive Vice President and Global Head of Human Resources at Tata Communications. In addition to Human Resources, he has global responsibility for Corporate Social Responsibility, Occupational Health and Safety, and Administration. He is also the Chief Ethics Officer of the company.

He has been an angel investor and has also served on the Boards of several companies. Aadesh is currently the Chairman of the Board of Tata Communications Payment Solutions Limited and a Director on the Board of Tata Communications Transformation Services Limited.

He has a Master’s degree in Management from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, and has won several awards including the ‘Great Contribution Award’ from the Minister of Communications, the Best HR Head in India by National HRD Network.

Aadesh has a passion for community service and has been an active volunteer for more than 15 years. He and his wife live in New Delhi. They have a daughter and a son who are both University students.

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Dr. Monika Griefahn

Former Minister, Germany

Dr. Monika Griefahn is a founding member of Greenpeace Germany and was Co-CEO (1980-1983). From 1984-1990 she was the first female board member of Greenpeace International and responsible for trainings and founding new offices all around the world.

From 1990-1998 she was Minister of the Environment in the German state of Lower Saxony. She put her main emphasis on working for renewable energy and the phasing out of nuclear power.

After that she worked as Member of Parliament in the German Bundestag from 1998-2009. Her main responsibilities were in culture and the media.

Later on she founded the Institute Media, Environment, Culture (IMUK) – a company with advisory services in the sustainability sector. Since 2012 she is director for environment and community at AIDA Cruises.

Monika Griefahn is engaged in numerous voluntary commitments – among others as co-chair and jury member of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation (“Alternative Nobel Prize”).

Imagesource: Bianca Schüler

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Ms. Anja Jessurun

Entrepreneur, The Netherlands

anja-jessurunAnja Jessurun is a Dutch female entrepreneur who values ethics in business very highly. From an early age on she has an interest in building networks, developing new concepts and creating opportunities by connecting ideas to people and people to ideas.

She is known by fellow entrepreneurs as an active and inspiring colleague in the construction industry with a keen eye for environmental issues.

Her recent focus as an entrepreneur is on creating awareness for Ayurveda ( a lifestyle and medicine originating from ancient India) in Europe. Not only on the individual, spiritual level but also as an interesting business opportunity. Her strength lies in analysing and solving structural problems in enterprises and organizations.

The quote of Anja Jessurun is: Carpe Diem

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Mr. Rutger Koopmans

President, Netherlands-India Chamber of Commerce and Trade Former Senior Executive Vice President, ING Bank, the Netherlands

Rutger Koopmans graduated in law, political science and business administration in Leiden, Rotterdam and Rochester (USA).

During his career in the financial sector, he worked in the Netherlands, London and New York, both for Mees Pierson (1982-1995) and for ING Group (1996 to September 2008).

He has considerable experience in corporate banking, for both large and medium sized enterprises. He sees a great importance in including people in the financial system, to empower them and give them a chance to participate in the economy.

He is also Chairman of the Netherlands-India Chamber of Commerce and Trade, and Chairman of the Working Group India of the Dutch Trade Board. Furthermore, he was a board member of the Nationale Nederlanden insurance company in the Netherlands.

In November 2007, he won the Ethics in Business award of the International Association for Human Values, and in June 2008, he received the Leadership Award of the Cruyff Academics International Institute.

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Mr. Peter Marti

Owner & CEO, Marti Communications AG, Switzerland

Peter Marti has studied communications in Switzerland and in the USA. After a career as a communications consultant, he became President & CEO of Ogilvy group in Switzerland and was head of small countries of the Ogily European network.

Later he founded his own communication company in Zurich/Switzerland. He is a member of the Swiss Advertising Association and he was a member of the Art Directors Club in Switzerland.

Peter Marti was elected as “Advertiser of the year” and won several awards at international communication festivals.

During his career, he worked for some major NGO’s such as the World Wildlife Fund, Green Cross International and the Red Cross and also some foundations like the Kantha Bopha Foundation in Cambodia, the “Foundation pour la Formation Hoteliere” and the Dr. Rau Foundation have mandated Peter Marti and his team with their brand reputation work.

Today he is strongly involved in brand reputation development for mid-sized and bigger global companies. He leads Corporate Social Responsability programs for these companies and is handling their internal and external communications.

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Mr. Vivek Vig

MD & Group CEO of Destimoney, India

Ethics in Business impacts the way a corporation organises itself around profit maximisation to nurture an eco-system that creates and sustains value for all stakeholders – the employees, the shareholders, the communities & the environment that the organisation operates.

A truly ethical organisation is one that goes beyond legal compliance and operates in a manner that positively impacts all stakeholders each and every day.

Currently pursuing an entrepreneurial role as MD & Group CEO of Destimoney, a retail financial services organisation catering to middle India. An alumnus of IIM Bangalore, Mr. Vig has a rich and varied banking experience spanning over two decades across several emerging markets – Poland, Taiwan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and India. Working in so many diverse environments and cultures, Mr. Vig has been exposed to the similarities in business ethics in corporations across different geographies, cultures and levels of economic development.
This has allowed him to accept that business and ethics can co-exist to create innovation that has the power to positively impact and change lives.

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